Our clinic has a number of surgical procedures exclusively related to the specialty of Oral Surgery, which include the surgical pathology and surgery of the oral diseases that can be treated surgically in the context of dental care and mainly related, but not limited to, as below:
- Tooth extractions (impacted or not) or residual roots, by closed or open surgical method, e.g. surgical extraction of wisdom teeth,
- Surgical treatments related to orthodontic treatment (eg extraction or canine extraction),
- Periodontal surgery (eg, elongation, root resection),
- Periodontal surgery (arthriticectomy with or without reverse occlusion),
- Dental and other oral infections,
- Dental trauma (eg tooth fractures),
- Surgical treatment of cystic or benign mucosal lesions of the mouth and jaws,
- Surgical treatment of dental patients with an established medical history (eg taking antiplatelet medicines etc.)
- Surgical treatment of gum disease in teeth or implants.
- Plastic surgery of the mucosa of the mouth, jaws and lips.