Our clinic has a number of surgical procedures exclusively related to the specialty of Oral Surgery, which include the surgical pathology and surgery of the oral diseases that can be treated surgically in the context of dental care and mainly related, but not limited to, as below:

  • Tooth extractions (impacted or not) or residual roots, by closed or open surgical method, e.g. surgical extraction of wisdom teeth,
  • Surgical treatments related to orthodontic treatment (eg extraction or canine extraction),
  • Periodontal surgery (eg, elongation, root resection),
  • Periodontal surgery (arthriticectomy with or without reverse occlusion),
  • Dental and other oral infections,
  • Dental trauma (eg tooth fractures),
  • Surgical treatment of cystic or benign mucosal lesions of the mouth and jaws,
  • Surgical treatment of dental patients with an established medical history (eg taking antiplatelet medicines etc.)
  • Surgical treatment of gum disease in teeth or implants.
  • Plastic surgery of the mucosa of the mouth, jaws and lips.

Wisdom Teeth


The 3rd molars complete their development and reach the oral cavity at the age of 18-24 years, and in some cases may continue at an older age. They are the last teeth to ascend to the mouth and show great variety in their morphology and orientation. Very often, in the area where the normal 3rd molars project, we have a lack of space, which results in the tooth being impacted and not rising in the oral cavity. Depending on their location, they cause other problems. The most common problem is the, due to location, poor hygiene in the area, which inevitably leads to infection and inflammation and to the cause of pain, redness, and more general symptoms, such as ear, throat and head pain. Especially where part of the toothpick has appeared (in this case the wisdom tooth is called semi-impacted), the retention of food and germs is easier and the appearance of peritonitis is more likely.

If the tooth’s direction is not toward the chewing plane but comes closer, it can cause local problems in the 2nd molar, which is caries and also the destruction of the bone supporting it, resulting in long-term showing a problem. In many cases, the frontal inclination of the wisdom tooth causes ‘tooth decay’, resulting in overcrowding, especially in the anterior region, so that it is preventive.